Footscray & District Poultry Club
Helmsman AuctionSunday 28th February 2010 Poultry Pavilion
Racecourse and Recreation Reserve
[Harness Track]
Balliang - Bacchus Marsh Rd.
Bacchus Marsh , Victoria[ Melway Map 333 A 12 ] Pens $4.00 Large, [max 3 Adult birds per pen] $3.00 Bantam.No Commission Charged Hundreds of birds, coming from all States, Buyers also from all States, Great day!!
All funds raised go to our continued Pavilion and Clubrooms Development
at Bacchus Marsh. Have a look through when you come. Sellers
Open for penning birds 8.30 am
Pre book pens 9741 9705
Sellers pen on day, 8.30 - 10.00am [early please]
Bidders Suggest viewing from 10.00 am
Don't forget to register to bid $2.00
Pencil Auction 11.30 am to 12.30 pm
Info Link:
Hundreds of purebred stock from leading Poultry Breeders,
Many Victorian and interstate stud breeders attending.
Breeders are in attendance during sale to answer your questions.Some birds we have been advised will be placed for bidding on dayAncona Bantam Cockerels [bred from Adelaide Royal Champion Bloodlines],
Ancona Bantam Hens,
Ancona Bantam Pullets,
Aracauna Lavender Hens,
Australorp Bantams [assorted],
Australorp Bantams Purebred Black Cockerels,
Australorp Bantams Purebred Black Pullets,
Barnevelder Double Laced Breeding Pair,
Barnevelder Double Laced Pullet & Cockerel,
Barnevelder Double Laced Pullets,
Barnevelder Double Laced Purebred Cockerel,
Barnevelder Silver Laced Pullets,
Barnyard Geese (3/4 grown, unsexed),
Belgian Bantams [various],
Belgian Bantams Pairs,
Belgian D’Uccle Breeding Pair Black,
Belgian D’Uccle Buff Columbian Bantam Trios,
Belgian D’Uccle Quail Bantam Trios,
Blue Swedish Duck Trio,
Brahmas Standard Pullets,
Buff Cochin Point of Lay Pullets,
Cochin Buff Pullets,
Faverolles Hen (Standard Salmon],
Frizzle Bantam Cockerel,
Frizzle Bantam Pullet,
Hamburg Rooster,
Hamburg Silver Pencilled Pullets,
Hamburgs three Pullets,
Indian Game Bantams Blue laced Pair,
Indian Game Bantams Dark Pair,
Indian Game Bantams Dark,
Indian Game Btm Dark Cockerels,
Indian Game Dark Bantam Pullets,
Indian Game Dark Standard Purebred Cockerels,
Indian Game Dark Standard Purebred Pullets,
Indian Game Dark Standard Trios,
Indian Runners Coloured – Sexed,
Indian Runners Coloured Drakes and Ducks Young Hand Reared,
Indian Runners Purebred White Young Drakes,
Indian Runners Purebred White Young Ducks,
Isa Brown Pullets,
Jubilee Indian Game Cockerels,
Jubilee Indian Game Large Females,
Langshan Bantam,
Langshan Trios Bantams,
Langshan Trios Large,
Leghorn Cross Cockerel,
Leghorn White Bantam Hens,
Leghorn White Bantam Purebred Cockerels [Champion Bloodline],
Leghorn White Bantam Purebred Pullets [Champion Bloodline],
Leghorn White Hen,
Leghorn White Standard Purebred Cockerels,
Leghorn White Standard Purebred Pullets,
Light Sussex Hens,
Light Sussex Standard Purebred Cockerels,
Light Sussex Standard Purebred Pullets,
Light Sussex X Buff Cochin Standard Pullets,
Light Sussex Young Chicks,
Malay Game Pairs,
Malay X Leghorn Pullets,
Modern Game Bantams Black Red Hens,
Modern Game Bantams,
Modern Game Cockerel,
Modern Game Large Golden D/W Ckl and Black Red Plts Trio,
Modern Game Large Sport Hen,
Muscovies X Indian Runners [Young],
OEG Bantams (various Colours),
OEG Crele Bantam Trios,
OEG Duck Wing Bantam Pullets,
OEG Large (various Colours),
OEG Standard Blue Red Male,
OEG Standard Pile Female,
OEG Standard Pile Trio,
OEG Wheaten Bantam Pullets,
Orpington Large Breeding Pair [Very Rare Cuckoos],
Orpington Large Breeding Pairs [Very Rare White],
Orpington Large Cockerels,
Orpington Large Grower Pullets [Rare Black],
Orpington Large Pullets,
Orpington Splash,
Orpingtons Black,
Peacock Indian Blue male split to White (12 months]
Pekin Bantam Hens,
Pekin Bantams Blue,
Pekin Cuckoo Roo [let me know beforehand, will bring],
Pekin Young Ducklings,
Pheasant Golden Poult,
Pigeons Pair Danzig Highflyer,
Pigeons Pair Magpie,
Plymouth Rock Bantam D/B Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Bantam D/B Hens & Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Bantam Partridge Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Bantam Partridge Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Purebred Young Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Purebred Young Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Standard Hens,
Plymouth Rock Dark Barred Std P.O.L Pullets,
Plymouth Rock Std Dark Barred Cockerels,
Plymouth Rock Std Light Barred Cockerel,
Quail Jap Fertile Eggs,
Quail White Jap Trios,
Rhode Island Red Standard Hens,
Rhode Island x Light Sussex Pullets,
Rosecomb Bantam Pairs,
Rosecomb Bantams,
Sebright Cockerel,
Silkie Coloured,
Silkie White Chicks,
Silkies Bearded White Pullets,
Silkies Coloured Pullets,
Silkies White Bearded Ckls,
Sussex Buff Cockerels,
Sussex Buff Pullets,
Sussex Coronation Hen,
Sussex Light Cockerels,
Sussex Light P.O.L. Pullets,
Sussex Light Pullet Pairs,
Sussex Light Pullets,
Sussex Light Young Cockerels,
Turkey Bronzewing Purebred Y/ Gobbler [Progeny RASV Champion Turkey 2009]
Turkeys Bronzewing Purebred Young Hens,
Welsummer Pullet,
Welsummer Rooster,
Wyandotte Black Bantam Cockerels,
Wyandotte Black Bantam Pullets,
Wyandotte Buff Standard Cockerels,
Wyandotte Buff Standard Pullets,
Wyandotte Columbian Standard Cockerels,
Wyandotte Columbian Standard Pullets,
Wyandotte Partridge Bantam Hen,
Wyandotte Partridge Bantam Pullets,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Pullet and Cockerel,
Wyandotte Silver Laced Rooster and Hen,
Wyandotte White Bantam Cockerels,
Wyandotte White Bantam Pullets,
Wyandotte White Standard Cockerels,
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